Zapstars Productions brings the technical side to hair design. Creative stylists and colourists come together from around the world, to talk about the next seasons collections, designs and techniques.
Creative names and brands like:
Sassoon International Creative Team and Mark Hayes Collection Launch.
Goldwell ‘Reallusion Color’ presented by Agnes Westerman (Netherlands).
H2D Sam Overton Look’n’Learn.
KMS Look’n’Learn ‘Obsessed with Freedom of Style’ presented by Global KMS Artists Clive Allwright, Edwin Johnson, Claire Wilson and Barney Gleeson.
UK FAME Team Look’n’Learn with Leigh-Ann Regan from KyleBeasley Hairdressing, Simon Tuckwell from Zullo & Holland, Dafydd Rhys-Thomas from Ken Picton and Ellenora Dean from Michelle Blake Griffin.