
10 Questions to Ask a Keynote Speaker before Hiring Them

10 Questions to Ask a Keynote Speaker before Hiring Them

The keynote is the most crucial part that establishes the framework of a programme, event, convention agenda or some other specific happenings involving talking. They are mainly carried out by convention moderators who are also called keynote speaker. The keynote speaker definitely has an important mission that can provide a better understanding about some particular theme or even make changes much broader like in a whole organization. Take a look at 10 things that you should be asking the keynote speaker before hiring him.

  • What preparation does a keynote speaker need to undergo to provide a successful service?

On the interview, it should be clear that the potential keynote speaker is familiar with what should be done to capture the essence of any meeting and highlight it to the target audience in a short period of time. The interviewer should ask about concrete techniques the employee would use to achieve that, such as researching of particular industry issues, the audience and others.

  • What is your background and attitude towards life?

Asking this question can provide also some shaky ground information that most likely is not mentioned in the CV, for example, prejudices against some nationality and others that can be challenging when dealing with some particular audience.

  • Can you give a brief presentation of yourself?

The best way how to see how the theory works in practice is by asking a potential keynote speaker to promote himself. In this manner, it is possible to witness how a person is using gestures, his voice, and other tools.

  • Can you summarize the given text?

Giving a task to summarize some text will show what information a person finds important and which words he or she chooses to use to retell the idea.

  • What will you do to stay memorable to the target audience? Can you provide an example?

To see how creative a person is with his approaches, it could be important to ask what kind of tools or approach he or she will use to leave a memorable impression. In this case, it can be some anecdote, showing some clips, singing and others.

  • Can you name some of the most popular keynote speakers worldwide?

This question will help to determine if a person has some background knowledge in the field and perhaps people from whom he gets inspired, like Steve Jobs, Doug Dvorak.

  • What are the differences between inspirational speaker and keynote speaker?

It is important to make a clear distinction between terms. The keynote speaker has more to do with providing a summary of a message.

  • What and who inspires you?

To determine personality traits and the possible approach to moderate a keynote event, it is important to see what a person is interested in and from where he gets the ideas to make the best impression to the target audience when spreading the organizations or some other hirers’ message.

  • How long is a good speech?

Mainly there are two types of speakers: the ones who tend to talk shorter than expected and the ones who talk too much. There should be some plan also to stay focused on the most important bits of the information that needs to be provided to the target audience.

  • Do you think it is important to interact with the audience or not? Justify your opinion.

A keynote speaker can choose either provide one-way conversation or try to interact with the audience. The second choice is better and not that easy to be made successfully. He or she should be careful with connecting references, rhetorical questions and other approaches a keynote speaker uses.

To successfully achieve this mission, this special speaker needs to be selected with a special care. Some of the highlighted questions can help to make a decision that can influence the whole future of a company, an event or some other issue. Questions practical in nature also shouldn’t be forgotten as they can help to see how a person can promote himself and see him in action. The more provoking and non-standard the questions will be, the more possibility will be there to find the most suitable candidature, who won’t let anyone down.

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