Find Excellence in an Entertainment Specialist

Find Excellence in an Entertainment Specialist

The events industry can be demanding. Behind every successful event there’s an event and entertainment specialist; someone with the expertise to make an event work.

It’s more than experience and qualifications. To keep an event running smoothly, a specialist must also be able to think on their feet, adapt to last minute changes or glitches and keep their cool under stress.

How do you, the event professional, find that excellence? Here’s what you should look for:

Adaptable to changes. An event is fluid. There could be last-minute changes to music or running order, equipment malfunctions or other technical glitches. Your specialist must be prepared to deal with the unexpected. During the planning stage, all possible scenarios should be discussed so everyone is well prepared.

Not afraid to ask questions. A specialist will ask lots of questions before the big day. It’s a good indicator they want to be sure they have everything covered down to the finest detail.

Always up for the challenge. A true specialist wants to exceed expectations and will step up to overcome any challenge. Will the venue be difficult to light effectively? Will musicians and technicians have trouble arranging equipment? A specialist will always find a suitable solution.

Loyal clients. Are previous clients happy to recommend the specialist? A professional with a loyal client base is a good measure of great service and proof that clients are always satisfied with their work. In turn, the specialist is equally loyal to their clients and has built an ongoing relationship through mutual trust. This loyalty and trust is the basis of event success.

A magical touch and an energetic spirit. An excellent specialist knows how to weave some magic into any event. They have exceptional energy and channel it to great effect both in the run-up to and during the event.

Event specialists are constantly learning and searching for new ideas, ready to step up the level of excellence at future events.


If you’re looking for a specialist to make your next event special, give us a call. It’s our mission to make every event amazing.


Ph (02) 80069592

Mob 0423 383 649

When Technology Changes the Landscape of the Event Industry

When Technology Changes the Landscape of the Event Industry

Jamie McEwen, Technical Director


These days, Event and Technology go hand-in-hand.

Not too long ago, when staging an event, a marketing team (for example) had to simply setup a venue, hire a caterer and audio visual technicians, and invite entertainers or speakers to make ‘inspirational’ presentations.

Today, if your event’s not creating a buzz, then you’re probably not evolving. Apart from the glitz and glam, everything nowadays is hi-tech; and yes, this is actually a good thing. Technology has transformed the event industry landscape and it’s one of the best things that ever happened!

Over the last five years, we’ve seen major changes in how people from the events industry handle events. Gone are the days of brochures, heavy projectors, DIY props and huge equipment. The digital world – the internet, and other technological developments – are taking over.

The people working behind this ever-growing industry adapted to the changes quite easily. Back then, the demand for superior event production was high. So the producers trained to deliver superiority. Hi-tech has made hi-end production much easier, which benefits both customers and providers.

Social media is another factor that’s brought about change. Moving away from traditional marketing, professionals are now keen to target audiences using social media. As the platform provides demographic information, it’s easy to target relevant audiences. The audience, too, has higher expectations when it comes to an event, anticipating more interest and engagement.

Looking back, there was no such thing as ’event technology‘. Now, with technology in widespread use, the term is actually one of the most used by people working in the field of events. When pitching for an event, for example, clients are keen to hear what the supplier offers in terms of their event technology.

It’s definitely safe to say that these technological advancements are beneficial to the events industry. They help deliver enhanced experience and set the tone and mood for event attendees. As the technology continues to advance, it will no doubt change the way we communicate too. So it’s important to embrace the changes and make them work for the benefit of your event-related business.

Change is constant and change is good in almost all industries. We must just learn to embrace it.