Keeping your event clients happy: sound business advice

Keeping your event clients happy: sound business advice

If you’re an event professional or in the event industry, you know how important it is to value your clients and keep them satisfied. Clients’ demands and the nature of the event business are constantly changing, so this isn’t always easy.

A key reason for satisfying your clients is to expand your network. Positive client feedback helps your business gain referrals, leading to more potential future clients.

But that said, keeping your clients happy is not just about delivering a great event. Clients expect that. You need to satisfy them with a sound planning and preparation process. Clients want someone who is reliable from day one.

So, how do you instill confidence in your clients from start to finish?

Get to know what they do. Immerse yourself in their brand, their target market, their marketing strategies. Listen to their opinion wholeheartedly. This will prove you are willing to cooperate openly and that you’re interested in helping them find the best event solutions for their brand.

Be sincere. Be honest in everything you do and put your heart into it. If you’re sincere, you clients will know and acknowledge it.

It’s not always about the money. Money is important, yes. It’s your bread-and-butter after all. But maintaining clients, making them happy, building and keeping their trust are all equally vital. At the end of the day, it’s about delivering what your clients expect. Importantly, it’s about your company’s reputation.

Know how to give back. Does the client have a charity? Show your support by donating. Do they have a favourite snack? Drop by the office to give just that. In this business, friendship beyond an event is also very important.

At Zapstars, we aim to extend beyond a professional client-vendor relationship. We strive to maintain friendships and we truly value the relationships we build with our clients.

We’ve been in the business for a very long time and our clients can attest to that.

View our work, see what our partners say, and get to know us more.

Harness Social Media to Create Event Buzz

Harness Social Media to Create Event Buzz

Every event’s different and varies in the occasion, the planning and the exposure required. If it’s a PR event, for example, then much of the planning will focus on achieving maximum exposure.

But there is one thing every event has in common: when it comes to promotion, you need engagement and most certainly you need to create that ’buzz’ of anticipation.

These days, technology and social media have made promotion, engagement, and exposure so much easier than the old, traditional methods of promoting an event. You just need to know how best to leverage the available tools.

In this blog, we’ve highlighted some ways you can use social media to create that buzz. Read on…

1. Engage: Aside from actively promoting an event, grab your audience’s attention by ‘crowd sourcing’. Get them involved. Ask for their opinion. What would they ideally like to see during the event? A promise to act on the best of their suggestions for the event can help boost attendance.

2. Intrigue: Use social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Eventbrite and the like to reach your target market – your potential attendees. Post teasers, photos or phrases to grab attention. Using a variety of social media channels gives additional exposure, especially in search engines such as Google.

3. Refresh: Don’t just rely on your initial promotion. Keep the engagement alive. One way you could do this is to run a simple competition through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to create even more interest in the event. For example, you could ask the audience to guess the speaker or the special guests by providing a cryptic clue or two. Offer free tickets or other incentives as prizes.

4. Stream: Facebook has a great live streaming tool. During the event (or in the run-up to it) live-stream what the audience can expect. Tease them with glimpses of what’s coming. It’s likely not all your target market will have the time to go to your event; but if you create enough hype, you can convert the merely ’interested’ into actual attendees.

These are just four ways you can create event buzz through social media. Do you have a novel idea for hooking potential attendees? Share it with us by posting a comment!